Attend Professional Events, Not Just Search-Related Events
Published on July 29, 2021
If you want to get connected and the job and internship events you’re attending aren’t satisfying, here’s a different technique that you can customize to your own particular goals and curiosities.
Try going to events for professionals in the fields, organizations, and roles that interest you. Generally, you can find people who are excited to talk to a curious beginner or career changer if you use a couple of techniques to say hi:
- before: introduce yourself with a message to a person listed on the registration process saying that you’re excited to attend and thanking them for hosting
- during: briefly introduce yourself in the chat when you login. Keep your camera on, and participate with your microphone as invited. Use chat publicly and directly during the event. Don’t hesitate to share and request contact information to keep the conversation going beyond the event.
- after: send messages using the contact information from the event. If you missed someone you’d like to chat with, you may contact the event hosts asking whether they could make an introduction.