Your Mission, Should You Choose To Accept It, Is To Write And Publish a LinkedIn Post or Article!

Why? It is an awesome way to stay engaged with your network and to possibly expand it, as it might attract the attention of a decision maker, recruiter, or interested peer. Learn more about the distribution of content on LinkedIn, and how to change your settings here

What should I post/publish? Just a few examples…

  • Write an article on a topic of interest to you. Showcase your skills, insights, and experiences through an original post. You could write a summary of an industry trend, discuss a new product from an organization of interest to you, a challenge you overcame, or more! Unsure of a topic, LinkedIn has topic suggestions to help you get started. 
  • Share an interesting article with your own thoughts. Add in your thoughts, comments, or questions along with an interesting article to start a conversation on the topic. 
  • Celebrate your achievements. Let others know about your achievements in classes, clubs, internships, research, certifications, or academically by creating a post. 

Looking for additional examples of LinkedIn articles Check out this list on 17 Ways to Post on LinkedIn to Get Noticed from Forbes.

⭐Two More Pro-Tips:

  • Use Hashtags. Add tags to your posts, you can use up to three. The more specific the tag, the higher chance of views, likes, and comments. In January 2021 the three most followed hashtags were: #careers, #hiring, #jobsearch.
  • Ask for Edits & Feedback. Posting something can be stressful! Trust me, I feel the same way when I hit publish! To help build your publishing confidence ask for feedback and take the time to edit and proofread (Engineering Master’s students don’t forget about the Graduate Communications Center (GCC)). 

After publishing a LinkedIn post or article, consider your first mission accomplished! 🎉

By Erin Carlini (she/her)
Erin Carlini (she/her) Assistant Director, Engineering Master's Career Services & Professional Development