How to Negotiate Salary: 34 Tips You Need to Know (Plus, Examples!)

Originally published by The Muse Editors on 6/24/2024

Whether you’re starting a new job or gunning for a promotion at your current one, we all know that understanding how to negotiate salary is key. Or do we?

According to Fidelity Investments, 58% of young professionals don’t negotiate their job offers, and we get it. Salary negotiation can be scary. But what’s even scarier is not doing it, as that same survey found that 87% of those who do negotiate increase their starting salaries by an average of $5,000.

Here’s another good example: A famous study done by Linda Babcock for her book Women Don’t Ask revealed that only about 7% of women attempted to negotiate their first salary, while 57% of men did. Those who negotiated were able to increase their salary by more than 7%.

That may not sound like much, but as Stanford negotiation professor Margaret A. Neale puts it: If you get a $100,000 salary and your co-worker negotiates up to $107,000, assuming you’re treated identically from then on, with the same raises and promotions, you’d have to work eight years longer to be as wealthy as them at retirement.

So, regardless of your gender, whether you’re in your first job or your fifth, you should know how to negotiate on salary. And we’re here to help, with a roundup of expert tips to get you totally prepared.

34 tips for how to negotiate salary

Learn exactly how to negotiate your salary. From preparing a highlight reel to eating the right meal, here are the top salary negotiation tips you need.

Getting prepped to your salary negotiation

1. Prepare a one-sheet

Before you even start thinking about numbers, organize your thoughts and create a one-pager of talking points that highlight just how awesome you are as an employee.

List any accomplishments, awards, and customer or co-worker testimonials you’ve received, along with results you’ve achieved in previous roles—including exact numbers and specific examples when possible. For example, include additional revenue you brought into the company or results that former clients have attributed solely to your efforts.

2. Know your value

If you’re going to get the pay you deserve, it’s crucial to know the going rate for your position in your specific industry and in your geographic area. If you walk into a salary negotiation without a number, you’re at the mercy of an experienced hiring manager who can simply control the conversation.

Educate yourself by doing an online search on sites such as or Glassdoor, and check rough salary ranges for your role at competitors’ companies as well, as those numbers can be used for negotiation. Also ask others in your field—ideally both men and women, to avoid falling victim to the gender pay gap.

3. Talk to recruiters

Another way to do some research? Reach out to recruiters. They know what people with your experience and expertise are worth, so use it to your advantage! If they haven’t reached out to you in the past, take the first step and send a clear, concise email that includes your resume, and ask them if they’re willing to engage in a conversation about the position’s responsibilities and pay. You may not get a specific number, but even a range is helpful.

4. Pick the top of the range

As you’re doing your research, you’ll likely come up with a range that represents your market value. It can be tempting to ask for something in the middle of the range, but instead you should ask for something toward the top.

First of all, it’s been shown that employers are posting artificially low ranges so they don’t give away their pay strategy to competitors. Second, the employer will almost certainly negotiate down, so you need wiggle room to still end up with a salary you’re pleased with, but one that can be justified with your experience.

5. Know the (exact) number

According to researchers, you should ask for a very specific number—say, $64,750 rather than $65,000.

Turns out, when employees use a more precise number in their initial negotiation request, they are more likely to get a final offer closer to what they were hoping for. This is because the employer will assume you’ve done more extensive research into your market value to reach that specific number.

6. Consider job-related expenses

When coming up with your desired salary, don’t forget to factor in any job-related expenses you might incur that are associated with the job.

The most obvious would be moving costs if you’re relocating for the position, but if you’re going from a remote work environment to one that will require a commute, factor in the costs associated with public transportation or the wear and tear on your vehicle. On the flip side, if you’re going from an in-office role to remote, also consider expenses related to technology and a home office setup.

7. Determine your basement

When considering your numbers, you should also come up with a “walk-away point”—a final offer that’s so low you have to turn it down. This could be based on financial need, market value, or simply what you require to feel good about the salary you’re bringing home.

Walking away from an offer will never be easy, but it’s important to know when to do it—and it’s a powerful feeling to be able to say “no.” (Here’s how to politely decline a job offer.)

8. Plan the right timing (if you’re asking for a raise)

Turns out, timing is everything—at least if you’re already in a role and asking for a raise. For example, you wouldn’t want to ask for a salary increase if the company is experiencing budget cuts and layoffs, but if the company is doing well and you’ve done your research to prove your worth, consider the company’s performance review schedule.

Pick the right time to increase your chance of success. Most people wait until performance review season to ask for a salary adjustment, but by that time, your boss has probably already decided what raises will be doled out to the team.

If they typically give out increases at the beginning of a new year, approach your boss around November to give them time to factor it into the budget. If the company has no set schedule, aim for a low-stress time of year or after finishing a big project, as your boss will have your accomplishment fresh in his or her mind.

9. Remember practice makes perfect

Rehearse, rehearse, rehearse. Write down what you want to say and practice in a mirror, on video, or with a friend until you’re super comfortable having the conversation.

10. Set the meeting for Thursday

Studies show that you’re more likely to get a raise if you ask on Thursday. People tend to start off the week more hard-nosed and even disagreeable, but become more flexible and accommodating as the week wears on.

“Thursdays and Fridays find us most open to negotiation and compromise because we want to finish our work before the week is out,” reports Psychology Today.

11. Plan your pre-negotiation meal

Yes, this tip is about food. You might not think about meals when considering the salary negotiation process, but there are certain foods that you can eat that are proven to help keep your cognitive function, energy, and confidence at optimum levels.

According to wellness expert Michael Roizen, MD, you should aim for a breakfast of whole grains like oatmeal with fresh fruit. If it’s an afternoon meeting, eat at least 90 minutes before so you have time to properly digest, and aim for a proper lunch with protein, carbs, and fat—like avocado toast or a grilled chicken sandwich (just avoid the garlic.) Don’t forget to drink enough water, as hydrating helps with energy, focus, and dry mouth.

12. Power up

Before you go into the negotiation, try Amy Cuddy’s tip of doing a “power pose”—in other words, going into the bathroom and standing tall with your hands on your hips, your chin and chest raised proud, and your feet firm on the ground.

Doing so raises testosterone, which influences confidence and reduces the stress hormone cortisol. It can also be helpful to practice visualization techniques, which work to actually train the brain to think about a positive outcome—like that salary that you deserve.

13. Drink some coffee

A study by the European Journal of Social Psychology found that caffeine made people more resistant to persuasion—meaning you’ll have an easier time holding your ground during the negotiation. But just be careful not to overdo it—you don’t want to be nervous and shaky, so know how much you’re comfortable with and get your java jolt on accordingly.

14. Walk in with confidence

“The way you enter a room can dictate how the rest of an interaction will be,” says best-selling author James Clear. “Ever see someone slump through a doorway with a scowl on their face? Not very inspiring. Keep your head high and smile when you enter. Starting things off with a positive vibe is very important, no matter how small it is.”

15. Start with questions

You should start the negotiation conversation by asking diagnostic questions to understand more about the other party’s true needs, desires, fears, preferences, and priorities.

Asking questions like, “What are your biggest priorities right now?” can help you understand where your negotiation partner is coming from—and offer up solutions that will help.

16. Show what you can do

Before you start talking numbers, talk about what you’ve done and—more importantly—what you can do.

Remember that one-pager that you prepared? Now’s your chance to walk through your accomplishments with your current or prospective employer. This is especially important for a new role, as it can highlight those intangibles that aren’t included on your resume.

You’ll want to specifically highlight times when you’ve gone above and beyond in your role, which will build the case that you deserve either the new position or that raise. Then, be prepared with a few thoughts on what you’re excited to take on going forward and how you can contribute to the company’s success.

17. Focus on the future, not the past

When you’re negotiating the salary for a new job, it’s not uncommon for the company (or even a recruiter during the job search process) to ask about your current salary. However, in many localities, doing so is now illegal, and you’re under no obligation to reveal that personal information if you’re not comfortable.

Instead, focus on the future and say you’re unable to disclose this info due to your obligation towards your current employer, and that you would prefer to learn more about the role and its responsibilities before discussing salary expectations.

18. Put yourself in their shoes

When preparing for negotiating, get in the mindset of thinking about the situation from the other person’s perspective, recommends career expert Steph Stern. What challenges are they facing? How will what you bring help solve a problem or advance their situation?

When we consider the other person’s thoughts and interests, you’re more likely to position yourself in a way that presents the most mutually beneficial outcome.

19. Try thinking about someone else

Research has found that women are more assertive when they’re negotiating for someone else, and that women often outperform male counterparts when it comes to those negotiations. Think about how you would fight for an increased salary for a friend or family member, and then apply that mentality to your own negotiation. After all, the more you’re rewarded for your hard work, the more you’ll be motivated to continue to achieve success and find a happy work-life balance.

20. Stay positive

Negotiation may be a bit stressful, but you should never come off as aggressive and always keep the conversation on a positive note, whether it’s with a current or potential employer. While you want to ensure you’re getting the compensation that you deserve, you also need to be able to back that up with positives that the company will receive as a result.

21. Show gratitude

Along those same lines, showing gratitude can go a long way in the eyes of an employer. You never want to give off an air of entitlement or superiority, and both sides of the negotiation have invested time and energy into the process. It’s important to let them know you appreciate their consideration, express specific aspects of the role that excite you, and reinforce your professionalism with a simple “thank you.”

22. Put your number out first

The anchor—or the first number put on the table—is the most important in negotiation, since it’s what the rest of the conversation is based off of. If it’s too low, you’ll end up with a lower final offer than you probably want.

You should always be the first person to mention a number so that you, not your counterpart, controls the anchor.

23. Ask for more than what you want

You should always ask for more than you actually want. Your bargaining partner will feel like they’re getting a better deal if they negotiate down from your original ask.

And don’t fear asking for too much! The worst that can happen if you give a high number is that the other party will counteroffer—but the worst that can happen if you don’t negotiate is that you’ll get nothing.

24. Don’t use a range

Mike Hoffman suggests that you should never use the word “between” when negotiating. In other words, never give a range: “I’m looking for between $60K and $65K.” That suggests you’re willing to concede, and the person you’re negotiating with will immediately jump to the smaller number.

25. Focus on market value

Rather than discussing a raise or new salary based on what you make now, keep the conversation focused on what the market is paying for people like you (your “market value”). Re-frame any metric your negotiation partner uses—like percentage differences—as market value, re-focusing the discussion on hard dollars.

26. Prioritize your requests

As part of your conversation, lay everything you’re looking for out on the table in rank order.

“In a job offer negotiation, for example, you might say that salary is most important to you, followed by location, and then vacation time and signing bonus,” Wharton professor Adam Grant told Business Insider.

“Research shows that rank-ordering is a powerful way to help your counterparts understand your interests without giving away too much information,” he said. “You can then ask them to share their priorities, and look for opportunities for mutually beneficial trade-offs: Both sides win on the issues that are most important to them.”

27. But don’t mention personal needs

Don’t focus on your personal needs—like the fact that your rent’s gone up or childcare expenses have increased. Chances are, everyone is dealing with similar situations. You make a much better case that you’re worth more when you focus on your performance, achievements, and how you can fill any of the company’s capacity or capability gaps.

28. Use email where appropriate

Most negotiations are done in person or over the phone, but if most of your communication with a recruiter or hiring manager has been over email, don’t be afraid to negotiate over email as well. It ensures you stick to the script and can be a whole lot less scary.

If you do follow this route, try to infuse as much empathy, pleasant conversation, and openness as possible into your salary negotiation email, mimicking a real-life conversation.

29. Don’t forget to listen

Listening to the other party during a negotiation is almost as important as your ask and your argument. By really paying attention to what the other person is saying, you can understand their needs and incorporate them into finding a solution that makes you both happy.

30. Don’t fear the “no”

You may be afraid of rejection, but according to She Negotiates founder Victoria Pynchon, a negotiation doesn’t actually start until someone says “no.”

She explains: “It’s not really a negotiation if we’re asking for something we know our bargaining partner also wants. Negotiation is a conversation whose goal is to reach an agreement with someone whose interests are not perfectly aligned with yours.”

So understand that the “no” is just part of the process—not a statement on how you’re doing.

31. Take time to review your options

When you do get an offer, thank them and politely ask for 24 hours to review the offer. It helps you avoid making an emotional decision you might regret 25 hours later, giving you additional time to do more research to ensure the offer is aligned with your expectations (and those being offered in the market). This is especially important if you’re interviewing with multiple companies and possibly dealing with multiple offers.

32. Ask questions

Does the person you’re negotiating with flinch or otherwise react negatively to the number you put on the table? Don’t let that deter you; instead, ask open-ended questions to keep the conversation moving and show you’re willing to work together.

Pynchon suggests things like: “Seems like that took you by surprise. Tell me more…” or “What is the budget for this position based on?” or “How can I help you move more in my direction?”

33. Don’t be afraid to counter

If you ask for a higher salary and the employer says no, that doesn’t mean the conversation’s over. In fact, it’s the starting block for negotiations. Take some time to evaluate the offer, ask appropriate follow-up questions to understand their position, and prepare an organized counter offer that highlights how your skills and market rates justify a larger amount.

34. But don’t make threats

While the “Show me the money!” scene in Jerry Maguire was iconic and effective in that situation, being pushy or threatening will likely have the opposite effect of getting what you want.

You ideally want to work (or keep working) with this person, so it’s important to keep the conversation positive, never threatening the employer with other job offers, interviews, or recruiter conversations.

How to negotiate a salary FAQs

Are you still wondering how to negotiate a salary offer or a raise? Here are some of the most frequently asked questions and ways you can use the answers to your advantage.

Why should I negotiate my salary?

You might feel lucky to have received a new job offer and feel like negotiating the salary might give off a bad impression to the prospective employer. But in reality, a recent survey found that 89% of companies are actually open to salary negotiations once they make the initial job offer, so use it to your advantage.

They’re likely expecting it, and when you approach it in the right way, it can set you up for even greater earning potential and professional satisfaction.

On the other hand, not doing so can have serious financial implications. Linda Babcock of Carnegie Mellon University tells her graduate students that “by not negotiating their job at the beginning of their career, they’re leaving anywhere between $1 million and $1.5 million on the table in lost earnings over their lifetime.”

When should I negotiate my salary?

You received a job offer—but the salary isn’t exactly what you were hoping for, so now you’re wondering when you should negotiate the salary—if at all. First, if the salary doesn’t align with your level of experience and what you need to maintain or improve your current lifestyle, you absolutely should negotiate the salary.

Timing is key, as it’s best to wait until you have an official, written offer before starting the salary negotiation process. At that point you know that they already consider you the best candidate for the job, and you have a clear idea of the role’s expectations.

However, it’s important to ensure that you can justify the higher salary, and that you don’t eagerly accept a compensation package and then—upon more rational contemplation—decide that you’re worth a bit more. Do your research, weigh your options, and then decide if you’re going to accept or start the negotiations.

How much is OK to negotiate salary?

Bottom line? Be realistic, but also make sure that you’re asking for what you’re worth and what the role will require. Using your market research, financial goals, experience level, and current living situation as a guide, decide on a number that’s 10-20% higher than what you’re hoping to accept. Why? Because most companies likely won’t go for the full 20%, so if they settle at even 10% higher than your goal, it comes out as a win-win for both involved parties.

What are some other areas I can negotiate besides salary?

Money is only one part of the equation. When negotiating salary, take other factors into consideration that can help to sweeten the deal. Ask if the offer can also include expanded health benefits, flexible working arrangements, vacation time, a specific title, signing bonuses, a guaranteed severance package, a technology allowance, or even transportation benefits.

Examples of what to say when negotiating salary

How do you politely ask to negotiate salary? Preparation is key—especially when it comes to matters of money—and the following examples can provide an outline for how to respectfully approach salary negotiations in various situations.

Presenting a counteroffer

“Thank you so much for sending over this offer. I really enjoyed talking with you and am pleased that you’ve decided that I’m the right person to bring on your team. I’m excited to move forward, but first I was hoping we could discuss the compensation. Given our industry, the current market value, my understanding of the role, and the breadth of my qualifications and experience, I’m looking for a salary of at least ($X.) That’s the number I would feel more comfortable with, and know that I can help bring value and success to (company name).”

When reviewing multiple offers

“Thank you again for your time and for sending over this offer. I’ve really enjoyed meeting everyone during this process and I’m excited about possibly being part of the team. However, I’ve also interviewed with another company, and they’ve offered me ($X) for a similar title and role. Would you be able to amend your offer to get me closer to this salary? If so, I would love to come on board.”

Addressing the entire compensation package

“Thank you so much for this job offer with (role name). I understand that you don’t have much wiggle room in terms of the base salary, and while it’s lower than I was expecting, I would be eager to accept this role if you could also include an extra week of vacation and the option to revisit my salary after being in the role for 90 days. If there’s the option to make that happen, I would love to move forward with next steps.”

When asking for a promotion or raise

“I’ve really enjoyed working for (company name) over the past two years, during which time I’ve

increased client revenue by 15%, earned four new industry certifications, and taken on additional projects. I would like to discuss a salary raise to more closely reflect my new responsibilities and the skills I’ve acquired since starting in this role.”

Negotiating your salary like a pro

If this seems like a lot—well, it kind of is. In an ideal world you would ace the interview, get an amazing job offer with everything you could ever ask for, and live happily ever after. And that can happen! But more often than not it requires a bit of work, but the more you do it, the easier it becomes. Even better, the more money you’ll bring home.

By Leigh Ann Muth-Waring (she/hers)
Leigh Ann Muth-Waring (she/hers) Assistant Director, Employer Relations