Sonya Jones Peer Education Program Coordinator Academic Resource Center (ARC)
We want to continue to acknowledge helpful humans at Duke who are having career conversations with students. Sonya Jones, from Duke ARC, was nominated to be an influencer by a …
By Christina Plante (she/her)
Christina Plante (she/her)Assistant Director of Career Services
The NAACP’s website offers valuable resources for Black college students seeking financial aid, professional development, and career opportunities. Through their Scholarships, Awards, and Internships page, students can explore:
This platform is an excellent starting point for Black students looking to …
As a student who identifies as Black, Latinx, or Indigenous your unique experiences and culture play a huge role in who you are and how you view the world. Employers are very interested in your experiences …
Networking is a process through which you thoughtfully create and sustain relationships to exchange information. The most successful networking, like …