Chat with us in Microsoft Teams for Quick Questions
To get started, search any of the coaches listed on this page in Duke’s MS Teams directory and send your note. Pro Tip: Ask questions that could easily be answered in ten minutes or less. Bigger questions and document feedback are best for Office Hours and Appointments.
If you’re unfamiliar with MS Teams, use these:
• Detailed Instructions about accessing Teams from Duke.
• Detailed instructions about MS Teams chat from Microsoft.
Attend EMP Career Coach Online Drop-In Hours for advice and feedback weekdays while classes in session
Monday-Thursday: 11:30 am-1:30 pm
(10-15 minute, individual sessions)
Friday: 11:30 am-1:30 pm
(group sessions)
Use Online Drop-In Hours for quick questions and document reviews. No registration is required. This option admits you to a Zoom waiting room and the career coach will meet with you in the order in which you joined.
For Engineering Master’s students only
Schedule an appointment for any career or professional development topic, including practice interviews and career exploration.
Appointments are an opportunity for focused conversation with a career coach. Discussions are 15 or 30 minutes, based on topics of interest to you, and require prior registration.
Fall 2024 appointments are reserved for students not enrolled in EGR-590-1 Career Strategy & Design. If you meet this criteria, we encourage you to make an appointment in Handshake.
Students enrolled in EGR-590-1 have access to their instructor for course questions and document feedback via office hours, and additional support through daily Online Drop-In Hours.