“What do you want to be?” It’s the dreaded question that often pops up in small talk conversations whether at a family gathering or a school event. I for one hope that question retires and people ask “what work do …
You’ve spent hours spread over several weeks preparing for multiple rounds of an internship or job interview. On the day you expect a decision, you check your email to receive the dreaded rejection email. 😔 A range of emotions rush through …
This article from MSNBC shares student stories and advice for how to negotiate the salary for your first job offer.
You can also check out the robust information about negotiation within the “Close Your Search” section of …
This article allows you to quickly match a solution to whatever problem you might have in your search process. Save this one away to use throughout your search!
Take a deep breath, commit to reading this short Duke article slowly, letting the advice sink in. You WILL be successful in your career, and can persevere in your search. If you’d like support, meet with a coach.