Get input and feedback on your plan

🧠 Know

While searching for an internship or a job we often want to go faster to reach the finish line, however, there is value in pausing to reflect and adapt your target market, strategy, and documents based on the feedback/advice from trusted sources and self-reflection. Feedback is so valuable in the search process, it is one of the 8 Steps for Search Success for Engineering Master’s students.

It’s important to incorporate input and feedback into your plan so you aren’t operating in a vacuum. Advice from others will help you improve your search strategy, test your assumptions, and help you to avoid or quickly work through struggles others have faced. For example, here is an article that outlines one person’s methodical approach to applying online and automating the process.

📈 Prepare

Grow Your Conversational Skills

✅ Use the Talk to People part of this site to learn how to talk about yourself, make a request, ask questions to connect and learn, and follow-up to keep your network and search alive.

✅ Refine how you make an outreach request using advice and resources in this article.

✅ Receive input and feedback graciously and follow-up when appropriate. It is likely you will receive negative feedback during your job search. Read this Muse article to prepare yourself.

Improve Strategically

✅ Decide on the areas of your search plan you would like input and feedback. Do you want input on if your target market needs to be expanded or re-prioritized? If your skills and qualifications align with your professional objections? These are just two possible input and feedback goals. Write down your own feedback goals to help you determine the people you will ask for input.

Find people to give advice to consider a variety of perspectives.

🖐 Practice

Grow Your Conversational Skills

✅ Keep a record or journal of the input and feedback you receive using a tool that works best for you. (Some examples include Excel , the Interstride meeting tracker , or a simple note.) Reflect on your discussions to pull out themes and adapt your search. Similar to reviewing your class notes, review your feedback and input conversation notes on a bi-weekly, monthly, or bi-monthly schedule.

Improve Strategically

✅ Prepare questions to generate feedback and input that is constructive and actionable. This article includes some suggestions based on three fundamentals of a search plan: target market, one-sentence headline, and the target list.

✅ Ask peers, faculty, industry professionals, alumni, Communications Consultants, and Career Coaches for feedback and input on your search plan, documents, and online presence.


18 strategies to make your job application stand out to employers

Job seekers, understandably, almost all hate the process of searching for a new job. The process can be dehumanizing, is almost always filled with far more rejections than acceptances, and job applications often seem to disappear into a black hole …

By College Recruiter
College Recruiter believes that every student and recent grad deserves a great career.
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A Guide to Using ‘Ask A Blue Devil’

Duke’s alumni network is a key resource students can use when faced with any questions about choosing a major, looking for career advice, or doing more research about jobs within an industry. We highly recommend using the ‘Ask a Blue …

By Cindy Xu
Cindy Xu
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Connect with an Alum: Ask a Blue Devil

Are you looking for insights into a future career? Do you have a question that needs input from others? Are you stuck in knowing how to move forward? Are you looking for a one-on-one connection with a Duke alum? With …

By Cameo Hartz (she/her or they/them)
Cameo Hartz (she/her or they/them) Assistant Director, Engineering Master's Career Services & Professional Development
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Be Sure to Use Duke Alumni Resources

The Duke Alumni community is passionate, active, and generally welcomes you, as a student, to participate. When talking to alumni, the “rules” of building connection are just the same as any other area of your life: Be willing to lead …

By Cameo Hartz (she/her or they/them)
Cameo Hartz (she/her or they/them) Assistant Director, Engineering Master's Career Services & Professional Development
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Stabilizing: How to Improve Once You Find the Rhythm of your Search

Congratulations! You’ve got a stable search if you are: 

confidently submitting online applications 
reaching out to people at the organizations that most interest you to find a network of professional supporters irrespective of whether they have an active job posting …

By Cameo Hartz (she/her or they/them)
Cameo Hartz (she/her or they/them) Assistant Director, Engineering Master's Career Services & Professional Development
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If your search is not getting the results you want, it’s time to troubleshoot. First, start with the basics and …

Once you’ve established a solid search, improve your ability to incorporate the employer perspective. This single factor is often the …

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