This page was created to provide our Campus Partners with the most up-to-date information, resources, and content to support you when working with students. We believe career readiness conversations are constantly happening across the Duke campus and beyond.
Learn tips for creating a successful social media strategy!
Most entrepreneurs focus on building their product before building their audience—but what if that’s backwards? Thanks to social media, founders can grow huge audiences without having a specific product in mind. …
By Christina Plante (she/her)
Christina Plante (she/her)Assistant Director of Career Services
One of the best parts of my job is holding virtual office hours. These online events let me talk with current college students and recent graduates about navigating the job …
By Greg Victory (he/him/his)
Greg Victory (he/him/his)Assistant VP Student Affairs/Fannie Mitchell Executive Director, Career Center
Sonya Jones Peer Education Program Coordinator Academic Resource Center (ARC)
We want to continue to acknowledge helpful humans at Duke who are having career conversations with students. Sonya Jones, from Duke ARC, was nominated to be an influencer by a …
By Christina Plante (she/her)
Christina Plante (she/her)Assistant Director of Career Services
Company developed insights into real work on Forage
Virtual work experience programs replicate work at top companies and connect students to the companies themselves. In only 5-6 hours, students can learn relevant tools and skills necessary to complete similar tasks …
By Megan Wilson (she/her)
Megan Wilson (she/her)Associate Director, Communications and Outreach