Stay Updated with MS Teams

MS Teams is the best way to stay updated about career happenings that relate to you as an Engineering Master’s student. To receive updates in the way and amount you want, set up your notifications.

To Set Notifications for Your Teams Account

Step 1: Click your profile image to access your account settings.

view of MS Teams site pointing to user's profile image

Step 2: Choose “Manage account.”

profile page of MS Teams user pointing to manage accounts

Step 3: Choose notifications and review the various options for email, desktop, sounds, and more. Update to fit what works for you best.

notifications page of a MS Teams user pointing

To Set Notifications for a Specific Channel

Step 1: Go to the MS Teams site and channel you want to set notifications for. Click on the … below your profile picture

screenshot of MS Teams channel and choosing option to customize notifications

Step 2: Choose Channel Notifications and then adjust your notifications to your specific needs.

Screenshot of MS Teams and choosing notification settings for a specific channel

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