Talk to People

Talking to people helps you clarify your career interests, develop important professional relationships, learn about potential internships & full-time opportunities, and tell people about yourself. To become more skillful and confident in professional conversation, there are four main tasks to focus on. Each has more explanation and actions below.



How to Network on LinkedIn Like a Pro

Networking on LinkedIn is more than just sending connection requests; it’s about building meaningful relationships that can help propel your career forward. LinkedIn offers a unique platform where professionals across industries can connect, share knowledge, and create opportunities. Seems straightforward, …

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How to Message Recruiters to Connect on LinkedIn (with Examples!)

With over a billion members, LinkedIn has become the go-to space for professional networking. For job seekers, reaching out to recruiters on LinkedIn can be one of the smartest ways to get your name out there. Why? Because recruiters are …

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How to Ask for Feedback After Job Rejection (With Examples!)

It doesn’t matter how good a professional you are, at some point you will get rejected during the job search process. (And if you’re deep into your career and it’s miraculously never happened—call us, we want to know your secrets!) …

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If your search is not getting the results you want, it’s time to troubleshoot. First, start with the basics and …

Once you’ve established a solid search, improve your ability to incorporate the employer perspective. This single factor is often the …

Congratulations! You’ve got a solid search if you are:
✅ confidently submitting online applications
✅ reaching out to people at the organizations …

Start Your Search with Focus and a Plan.

These three steps will ensure your search is on track from start …

Organization websites are the primary source for descriptions throughout the site. Many are edited for clarity and concision.

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