Talk to People

Talking to people helps you clarify your career interests, develop important professional relationships, learn about potential internships & full-time opportunities, and tell people about yourself. To become more skillful and confident in professional conversation, there are four main tasks to focus on. Each has more explanation and actions below.



Building Your Personal Brand in the Digital Sphere

Now more than ever, with the ever-expanding reach of the internet and social media platforms, personal branding has transitioned from being merely advantageous to utterly indispensable. In this digital age, where information flows ceaselessly and first impressions are formed with …

By Ivy Exec
Ivy Exec is your dedicated career development resource.
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Tips from 21 experts about how to network in their industries

If you’ve read even a few articles or books about how to search for a new job, you’ve undoubtedly read how important it is to network. Unfortunately, many of these articles fail to define just what that means or provide …

By College Recruiter
College Recruiter believes that every student and recent grad deserves a great career.
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20 ways to showcase your skills to employers when you have little to no work experience

For as long as people have been searching for jobs, some of those people have understandably complained about employers refusing to hire them because they have no experience yet the only way to get experience is to get hired.

What …

By College Recruiter
College Recruiter believes that every student and recent grad deserves a great career.
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I don’t have an internship yet, and I’m kinda freaking out. -the 2024 edition!

Yes! It’s true! We know this is happening for many of you and hope that you’re working with a career coach to make your life and process easier.

Let’s look at some facts. Over the past four summers, this is …

By Cameo Hartz (she/her or they/them)
Cameo Hartz (she/her or they/them) Assistant Director, Engineering Master's Career Services & Professional Development
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2 Email Templates for Networking | Template Toolbox

When it comes to introducing yourself to other social-impact professionals, learning about organizations, and ultimately landing your next job, writing a strong networking email is an incredibly useful skill. Even if you aren’t currently job searching, networking is an important …

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If your search is not getting the results you want, it’s time to troubleshoot. First, start with the basics and …

Once you’ve established a solid search, improve your ability to incorporate the employer perspective. This single factor is often the …

Congratulations! You’ve got a solid search if you are:
✅ confidently submitting online applications
✅ reaching out to people at the organizations …

Start Your Search with Focus and a Plan.

These three steps will ensure your search is on track from start …

Organization websites are the primary source for descriptions throughout the site. Many are edited for clarity and concision.

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