Discover ways to appreciate yourself more, become more comfortable with who you are, and recognize the value you have in both your personal and professional life. Instructor TJ Guttormsen shows you how to take back control of your self-esteem. He discusses how to build healthy self-esteem from within yourself by exploring integrity, how to stop disappointing yourself and excusing your success, how to let go when things don’t work out, how to accept what you cannot change, and more. TJ also teaches healthy self-esteem behaviors, such as handling criticism from others, showing yourself that you’re worth it, experiencing how doing new things affects your self-esteem, and teaching others how to treat you. In addition to a general improvement in life quality, higher self-esteem can improve your professional life by helping you know your value during job searches, feel more comfortable taking up more space, going for what you want, handling criticism, and more.
Note: This course was created by TJ Guttormsen. We are pleased to host this training in our library.
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