
Explore Electrical Engineering

Explore Electrical Engineering GE Aerospace

United States
Employer Projects / Challenges

Assist in designing and troubleshooting avionics systems with GE Aerospace’s engineering team.

Welcome to the GE Aerospace Explore Electrical Engineering …

Operations Industrial Engineer

Operations Industrial Engineer Siemens Mobility

United States
Employer Projects / Challenges

Optimize Siemens Mobility’s manufacturing processes and streamline assembly line layouts as an operations industrial engineer

Welcome to the Siemens Mobility …

Cybersecurity Analyst

Cybersecurity Analyst Tata Group

United States
Employer Projects / Challenges

Assist the cybersecurity consulting team and become an IAM expert by enhancing TechCorp’s digital defences

Welcome to the Cybersecurity IAM …

Project Manager

Project Manager Siemens Mobility

United States
Employer Projects / Challenges

Drive Siemens Mobility’s future by mastering project management in rail infrastructure

Welcome to the Siemens Mobility Project Manager Job Simulation! …



United States
Employer Projects / Challenges

Develop a chatbot to assist with financial inquiries with the GenAI team at BCG

Welcome to our program! We are …

Technology and Digital

Technology and Digital Fidelity International

United States
Employer Projects / Challenges

Work with our different technology and digital teams to help Fidelity manage secuirty risks, transition to new tools, and analyze …

EV Engineering Intro

EV Engineering Intro Ford

United States
Employer Projects / Challenges

Visualize battery capacity data and review Python code for a PID controller.

Welcome to our program! We are so excited …

Mass Spectrometry

Mass Spectrometry Thermo Fisher Scientific

United States
Employer Projects / Challenges

Work with Thermo Fisher’s team to conduct an important doping test using Mass Spectrometry

Are you interested in a career …

Genetic Sciences

Genetic Sciences Thermo Fisher Scientific

United States
Employer Projects / Challenges

Analyze diagnostic data from Real-time PCR tests with Thermo Fisher

Are you interested in exploring a career in genetic sciences?