Careers in Data & Technology

The data & technology industries are regularly morphing to include new job roles, skill sets, areas of study and interest. Use this page to provide brief pieces of information to help guide your research and exploration. There is much overlap when it comes to roles within these industries, and we chose to refrain from disclosing these nuances in this overview in order to avoid repetition of roles.

Data is the use of computers or other technology to store and analyze information. Included in this section are careers within the field of data.

Data Scientists are responsible for answering questions about data; analyze historical data, create and run A/B tests in product and even design systems whereas Data Analysts are responsible for answering questions about business from context of data; leverage data to create new product features and tend to do more modeling and open-ended research.

Skills to Consider

  • Analytical and creative thinking,
  • Communication,
  • Teamwork,
  • Data visualization,
  • Detail orientation,
  • Business intuition ​
  • Statistical analysis,
  • Computer science,
  • Machine learning, 
  • Programming (SQL, XML, JavaScript, R, Python, SAS, Hadoop, Excel, Google Analytics, Tableau, Github, AWS S3).

Technology impacts human life by using knowledge for practical purposes. The tools and techniques used and developed within technology help solve problems and can make life easier. Included in this section are careers within the field of technology.

Cryptocurrency is a digital form of currency that companies and establishments can exchange for goods and services; work via decentralized finance system. Some examples include: Bitcoin, Ethereum, XRP, Tether and Cardano. Blockchain is decentralized digital ledgers that track cryptocurrency transactions  and cryptography is the study of secured passage of information (the basis of cryptocurrency).

How to show your experience:

Show off your experience with a cryptocurrency project(s). Consider researching and experimenting with different solutions and business models in crypto and show off your coding skills by contributing to open source projects.

There are a few different types of roles within cyber systems and cybersecurity. Generally, these roles perform security tests, keep virus detection systems up to date, train workers on security procedures, act as “good” hackers to identify gaps in a company’s firewall or security systems, and keep users informed of security violations and necessary changes. 

Skills to consider:

  • Python scripting,
  • Programming,
  • Data analytics,
  • Risk mitigation, 
  • Encryption,
  • Cloud security,
  • Automation,
  • Secure software development ​
  • Problem-solving,
  • Communication,
  • Teamwork,
  • Attention to detail,
  • Time management,
  • Decision-making,
  • Critical thinking. 

Natural Language Processing (NLP)  is working with speech patterns, AI speech recognition, and technology’s ability to process and analyze natural language data. This can include large amounts of data, algorithms, machine learning and AI techniques.

Skills to consider:

  • Text mining software,
  • Machine learning software, ​
  • Hadoop, 
  • Hive,
  • Spark.

Software developers design and program various software, applications, websites, and hardware, each of which require software components. As a software developer, you can specialize in developing the userface of a website/application (front-end), the data and mechanisms that make a website/application run (back-end), both front-end and back-end efforts (full-stack), and a combination of data, hardware, and deep learning techniques (autonomous stack). 

What programming languages do I need to know?

To name a few, Python, Java, JavaScript, C#, C/C+, PHP, R, TypeScript, GO, MATLAB, Ruby, and SCALA. There are many others that might be applicable to the roles you are interested in within software development. Reviewing the job posting will help you identify additional programming languages.

Product management is the structure that guides the product lifecycle to ensure the design, creation and function of the best possible products. Project managers (PMs) support various teams and clients involved in the process. 

Skills to consider:

  • Problem solving,
  • Teamwork,
  • Communication,
  • Strategic planning, 
  • Delegation,
  • High execution,
  • High agency.

Project Managers organize, plans and executes projects. This involves working with various stakeholders, budgets and timeframes. There are different methodologies that project managers can use to approach a project (e.g., Agile, Lean, Scrum). 

What skills do I need?

Communication, teamwork, leadership, creativity, problem solving, time management.

AI uses algorithms to create neural networks through deep learning. This includes working with large amounts of data and, creating steps to process that data with minimal human interaction. AI can essentially mimic/simulate human intelligence. Related components of AI include NLP.

What types of roles should I look for?

Machine learning engineer, data scientist/analyst, business intelligence developer, research scientist, big data or software engineer/architect, robotics engineer, NLP engineer, and UX roles. 

Deep Learning (aka Neural Organized Learning, aka Different Level Learning) is a form of Machine Learning (all within the AI umbrella) that focuses on mimicking the human brain. Specifically, teaching an algorithm/device/program to think like the human brain in order to remove the necessity for an external human component (as in Machine Learning). 

What types of roles should I look for?

Software engineer/developer, data scientist/analyst, deep learning engineer, machine learning engineer, and computer vision roles. 

There are many different roles within the gaming industry to consider: software engineering, data analytics, machine learning, and UX design. These roles all work together to help create games for use on consoles (like Nintendo Switch, PS5, etc.) or computers, apps, mobile devices, or with added accessories like VR headsets. The use of data to help learn user behaviors and support in-game advertisements or purchases is also growing. 

How does gaming intersect with other industry areas?

Gaming connects with lots of interest areas including arts, animation, drawing, graphics, music, design, hardware, marketing, data analysis, psychology, and more. All of these roles may use different types of technology to aide their work.