Often we receive multiple points of view or advice that can be in opposition or conflict. Ask 5 people, get 5 different opinions. If this has happened to you, you are not alone! When you receive conflicting feedback it is easy to feel stuck. In order to move forward in refining or adapting your resume or search plan keep these steps in mind:
- Say thank you in the moment and be gracious to the advice or feedback giver.
- Sit with the information. What are your thoughts on the information you received? Are you comfortable with it? Does it align with your goals?
- Trust your instincts. Take a pause and look inward, what do you find yourself arguing for? Do you see a common theme in the feedback? Do you need additional information?
- Seek additional perspectives, data points, and information that helps you further evaluate the advice or feedback.
- Check-in with the newly gained information, once again take a pause and look inward. Write down all you have learned and remembered into a journal (brain dump!) to help you sift through it.
- Decide the advice or feedback you will incorporate and what you will decline. You will likely NOT incorporate all the feedback you receive. The search plan and documents are yours, be happy with the decisions you make in the moment.
- Continue to check in with your plan and documents throughout your search and make changes based on new information you gain to continue to level up. ⭐