Explore the Healthcare & Biomedical Sciences Career Community
Joining this career community will give you access to resources, jobs, internships, employers and events curated specifically towards your interest in the healthcare and the biomedical science sectors. This sector focuses on providing services and goods to patients with physical and/or mental health needs including illnesses, diseases, limitations, injuries, health maintenance, and other concerns. This may include preventative, rehabilitative, curative, and palliative care. Healthcare is a dynamic sector. Research and technological advances continuously shape direct patient care, medical devices and equipment, pharmaceuticals, ethics, healthcare facilities, and policies.
Healthcare & Biomedical Sciences Community Manager
If you are planning to, or currently are, majoring in chemistry – it is important to explore the options available to you. To learn more about possible career pathways, check out this page:
Our LYRE Workshop series is designed to help you process what you’re learning, develop your skills as a researcher, and prepare for more opportunities. These are our upcoming January workshops 👇
Info Session on Arts and Humanities Summer Programs 📚 Led by …
By Greg Victory (he/him/his)
Greg Victory (he/him/his)Assistant VP Student Affairs/Fannie Mitchell Executive Director, Career Center