Begin your career development journey here.
Welcome to the Career Center! The center is a place where you can learn to explore your interests, values, and strengths and use that self-knowledge to influence your decision-making throughout your time here at Duke. This is also a great place for you to discover how to navigate your Duke experience as well as learn professional development skills.
Your Career Development Process
You can expect to continuously participate in a process of reflection and self-awareness during your time at Duke and also the entirety of your career and life. You will continually use your past experiences to identify short- and long-term professional goals to implement next steps that are aligned with life stage, purpose, and your individual definition of success. You will incorporate your own preferences and life experiences in this process of continual learning and decision-making. We are here to be your thought partner in reflecting on your experiences and skills, researching opportunities, testing your strengths and interests in the world, and making intentional decisions toward your career goals.
Learn more about aspects of professional development:
We are here to be your thought partner in reflecting on your experiences and skills, researching opportunities, testing your strengths and interests in the world, and making intentional decisions toward your career goals.
Opportunities to Connect with the Career Center
During advising appointments, we look at what you are interested in, explore your likes and dislikes, identify skills you prefer to use and ones you want to develop, and reflect on past experiences to guide future decisions. We also examine how your strengths can impact your interest areas, how your personality can direct certain work environments, and how your personal values guide your choices while studying at Duke as well as career decisions. We will talk about some big questions like what is your purpose? What gives you energy? And what do you care about? This will most likely get you thinking critically and deeply about where and how you choose to spend your time. We also address your specific job search-related questions about resumes, cover letters, connecting with others, interviewing, and more! Our best advice is that you focus on being open to opportunities, build a Board of Advisors, learn how to talk about yourself and experiences to others, and not be afraid to fail along the way. Our goal is to support you as you explore career options, interests, and opportunities. We look forward to meeting you! Schedule an appointment online in Handshake several days in advance.
Drop-in Advising
Bring quick questions or application documents (resumes, cover letters) to be reviewed by a career adviser or Career Ambassador Team member. Drop-in Career Advising is available several weekdays. More information
Career Hub Alerts
You can personalize your Career Hub alerts so that we only send you information that is valuable to you. You can choose topics, frequency, and layout! Click on the Personalize Your Hub button at the top of the page for more information.
Workshops, Programs and Events
A number of workshops, discussions, career fairs and unique advising opportunities are offered each year to help you explore and make decisions.
View and apply for thousands of opportunities available around the world (many posted especially for Duke students). On-Campus Interviews (actually on campus or remote) are managed through Handshake. You will want to keep an eye on Handshake for career events and opportunities. Log in and update your profile today–