Information and Resources for students that support the advancement of Duke students that identify as LGBTQIA+.
The following resources are curated specifically to assist students who identify as LGBTQIA+, and all students who support the advancement of students who identify as LGBTQIA+, explore their interests, find opportunities that best suit their needs and desires, and attain the goals they set for themselves.
We hope to continue to add resources that might be helpful and if you find something valuable, please share it with us by using the Guest login (top right of Duke Hub).
Did You Know We Have Affinity Pageson the Career Hub? | 1 minute read
At the Duke Career Center, we’re committed to curating content that applies to all aspects of your career development journey. That’s why we’ve create 13 dedicated …
By Jared Smith (He/Him)
Jared Smith (He/Him)Associate Director, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging
Looking for a job as a queer person isn’t just about finding any job—it’s about finding a workplace where you can truly be yourself and thrive. As someone who identifies as part of the LGBTQ+ …
By Margi Strickland (she/her)
Margi Strickland (she/her)Assistant Director of Employer Relations
Updated April 20, 2023The job search process can be stressful on its own, but often, gender-diverse, transgender and non-binary people experience additional barriers and stressors due to discrimination. In a survey by the National Center for Transgender Equality, …
By Margi Strickland (she/her)
Margi Strickland (she/her)Assistant Director of Employer Relations
During Pride in 2022, ALOK Vaid-Menon sat down with LinkedIn News to discuss their career, how the concept of professionalism is often used to sideline LGBTQ+ people, and their advice for up-and-coming LGBTQ+ professionals.
ALOK’s interview challenges the belief that …
By Jared Smith (He/Him)
Jared Smith (He/Him)Associate Director, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging
Coming to Duke can be overwhelming at first, particularly with the influx of Duke specific terms and concepts for you to learn as you navigate your academic career and prepare to enter or re-enter the workforce. Here is our glossary …
By Jared Smith (He/Him)
Jared Smith (He/Him)Associate Director, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging
INROADS Internship program prepares talented diverse students across the country for corporate readiness with business soft skills, real world leadership development activities, academic …