Our Guiding Philosophy: Career Everywhere for Everyone

Career Everywhere (for Everyone) is the belief and understanding that students are not only seeking advice about their career aspirations (and questions) from the staff at the Career Center, but also from faculty, staff, Duke alumni, our employer partners and more. Career Everywhere helps to ensure that everyone a student may interact with regarding career readiness is equipped with the tools and referral resources needed to create consistent messaging for all Duke students! The Career Center is the hub of this ecosystem, playing the role of consultant, creator, curator and collaborator. It is our role to create and curate career content; identify and amplify career resources; consult and collaborate with campus colleagues; and set the vision for a campus committed to career readiness and success.
With that philosophy, we have three guiding principles–Relevancy, Visibility, and Inclusivity. [Learn More]

H-1B Visa Lottery Registration Opens March 7th

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) has announced that the initial registration period for the fiscal year 2026 H-1B cap will open at noon Eastern on March 7 and run through noon Eastern on March 24, 2025.

The H-1B visa is a nonimmigrant work visa that allows U.S. employers to hire skilled international …

By Hal Matthews (he/him)
Hal Matthews (he/him) Associate Director, Global Careers
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Career Emergency: What to do if you’ve lost your USAID job

This article was originally posted on Devex by Justin Sablich.

After weeks of chaos brought on by the Trump administration’s attempts to dismantle the U.S. Agency for International Development, the vast majority of USAID employees, contractors, and implementing partner …

By Hal Matthews (he/him)
Hal Matthews (he/him) Associate Director, Global Careers
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Interested in Finance?

How well do you know the ways you can prepare for a finance career while at Duke? DFE and the Career Center want to make sure you are fully informed and have the best chances at success. Join us for …

By Grace Athy
Grace Athy Assistant Director, Career Services
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Spotlighted Resources

What’s Career Got To Do With It? Podcast

A much-loved podcast brought to you by four Career Center team members who hope to provide a space for honest …

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