The Professional’s Guide to Duke and Durham: A Recommendation Resource for Graduate Students and Postdocs

Everyone knows that moving is chaotic, and when you’re moving to a brand new city, the moving process is just the tip of the iceberg. There are many things you need to do to settle into your new community. You have to find grocery stores, dry cleaners, mechanics, doctors, and so much more. Even after you’re settled, finding ways to engage your new community can be difficult. When graduate students and postdocs choose to come to Duke, they are joining two communities: Duke and Durham. Additionally, despite having to start a life here, many do not get the chance to visit before making a final decision, meaning that online resources are a pivotal introduction to these dual communities.

However, few resources currently exist that introduce students to Durham. Rather, many existing resources serve as an introduction to the university. While these Duke-specific resources are important to a successful career, the length of most graduate programs and postdoc positions means that it is just as important for these scholars to get a full introduction to the city around them. Much of this information spreads through word-of-mouth, passed down through generations of graduate students and postdocs, leaving the information undocumented or isolated within the internal resources of individual departments. Moreover, the resources that are available to all incoming professionals are often spread across many university websites, making it difficult to find information if you don’t know where to look

Check out this amazing resource at:

By Greg Victory (he/him/his)
Greg Victory (he/him/his) Assistant VP Student Affairs/Fannie Mitchell Executive Director, Career Center