Black Stories, Black Truths: NPR’s New Campaign Celebrates the Black Experience

By NPR Extra

Gene Demby, Aisha Harris, Bobby Carter, Sidney Madden, Brittany Luse NPR

Turn on NPR today and you’ll hear a range of voices as varied, nuanced, and Black as the country we reflect. That’s because NPR sounds like whichever one of our hosts is at the mic, and all the passions, quirks, and lived experiences they bring with them.

Welcome to Black Stories, Black Truths: a video series, a collection of podcast episodes, and—most importantly—a celebration of Black voices in journalism. Our voices aren’t a monolith, and neither is public media.

[This] campaign is a rallying cry. While a host’s work is focused on stories, the core of NPR Extra’s work is focused on people, and we’re not afraid to get up close. Our hosts’ voices, opinions, and lived truths are below, in videos, behind-the-scenes clips, and a podcast feed. Welcome to NPR, noir.

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By Kai Kelley Jr. (he/him)
Kai Kelley Jr. (he/him) Assistant Director, Entertainment, Media & Arts Career Community