Are you looking to enter the field of Biotech? Check out this article on BioSpace about to learn more about what it takes to land a job in this field.
In our continued effort to enhance Career Center resources and support for students interested in career pathways in Engineering we are excited to share with you the launch of our new Duke Engineering Career Community
We have split engineering away …
Duke University offers students a professional environment for virtual job or internship interviews. Studio 5 in the Bryan Center Studios (BCS) is equipped with high-quality lighting, a black curtain backdrop, and advanced camera and microphone systems to ensure a polished …
This investment banking interview guide is designed for candidates who want to stand out in investment banking interviews and secure offers at top firms. It explains the interview process, covers technical concepts, and provides tactics for behavioral questions. By reviewing …
It wasn’t all that long ago that some companies were known for asking “tricky” interview questions. These were questions like, “Why are manhole covers round?” (Hint: Because they don’t have corners, making them simple to fit over the hole.) Tricky …
Company developed insights into real work on Forage
Virtual work experience programs replicate work at top companies and connect students to the companies themselves. In only 5-6 hours, students can learn relevant tools and skills necessary to complete similar tasks …
There is an art to interviewing in the tech industry. With the different types of interviews that you can encounter, practicing or studying for an interview may feel overwhelming. We’ve rounded up some tips to help you prepare.
At Duke, our Career Communities have selected Forage experiences listed.
Originally published by CareerOneStop Business Center
When interviewing candidates, it’s critical to avoid discriminating on the basis of race, religion, age, disability, or other factors. Failure to follow the law could result in an expensive and time-consuming lawsuit.
Questions that …
Technical interview questions are, unsurprisingly, the main part of a technical interview. They’re the questions that dig deep into your skills and abilities and give you a chance to show in real time what you’re capable of.
While one of …