Being Prepared to Receive an Offer: A Few Considerations to Boost Your Confidence

“We’re excited to offer you the position of X.” How do you respond? I bet most of you would respond with excitement. But what’s next in the conversation? Here are some ways to be prepared for receiving an offer so …

By Jenny Johnson (she/her)
Jenny Johnson (she/her) Assistant Director, Engineering Master's Career Services & Professional Development
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What Do I Say When I Negotiate?

This blog post will help you in thinking about a negotiation conversation now that you’ve done your pre-work. If you don’t know the pre-work I’m referring to, check out this post. We’re going to provide a few scripts within this …

By Jenny Johnson (she/her)
Jenny Johnson (she/her) Assistant Director, Engineering Master's Career Services & Professional Development
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The Pre-Work of Negotiation: Getting a Head Start and Increasing Your Confidence

A lot of people think negotiation happens once you have a job offer. And for those people, the time of negotiation can be more stressful than necessary because a lack of prep. You can start working now to understand more …

By Jenny Johnson (she/her)
Jenny Johnson (she/her) Assistant Director, Engineering Master's Career Services & Professional Development
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Career Readiness Resources

Duke Catalyst Strengths Profile

Strengths Profile focuses on identifying an individual’s strengths and talents. This assessment consists of a series of questions designed to …

What’s Career Got To Do With It? Podcast

A much-loved podcast brought to you by four Career Center team members who hope to provide a space for honest …

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