Strengths Profile

Strengths Profile focuses on identifying an individual’s strengths and talents. This assessment consists of a series of questions designed to help you understand and leverage your innate talents in order to excel in your career and personal life. The emphasis is on self-awareness and personal development. This resource is available for all students whom the Career Center serves.

Start with the 15-minute Strengths Profile assessment.

Log into Handshake to book a Strengths Profile Debrief appointment with a career advisor and receive the link to the assessment.

After the assessment and debrief appointment, you will: 

  • Receive 7 realized strengths, 7 unrealized strengths, 4 learned behaviors, and 3 weaknesses
  • Understand how Strengths Profile assessment led to your specific results
  • Be able to tell the unique story of their strengths and have the confidence that their strengths can take them wherever they go  
  • Identify the level of energy they may have while engaging in their strengths, weaknesses, and learned behaviors 
  • Leave with a short list of action-oriented steps intended to facilitate follow up and to expand upon  
  • Complete one-on-one appointments with Career Center staff to reflect and set up S.M.A.R.T. goals for unlocking the most opportunity from your strengths.

How do I get the most out of my Strengths Profile results?  

After you finish the assessment, you might have questions about how to use this information to help you in your career development. Focusing on reflection for your realized strengths, learned behaviors, weaknesses and unrealized strengths is a great place to start. Before, during or after your strengths debrief, consider the following questions.

  1. How do you perceive your realized strengths? 
  2. Which are you most proud of? 
  3. Which Strength means most to you and why? 
  4. How do you currently use these strengths? 
  5. Do you overly use some of your strengths and how? 

  1. How do you perceive your Learned Behaviors? 
  2. Do you overly use these behaviors and how? 
  3. What could you do to re-energize your learned behaviors? 
  4. How can you depend less on your learned behaviors? 
  5. Who can you ask others to support you around your learned behaviors? 

  1. How do you perceive your weaknesses? 
  2. How does your weakness impact your career goals? 
  3. How would you compensate for your weaknesses with your strengths? 
  4. Who do you know has this as a strength that could help you advance in this area? 
  5. How can you refrain from your weaknesses impacting your career goals? 

  1. How do you perceive your unrealized strengths? 
  2. Which unrealized strengths would you like to advance or use more often? 
  3. How could you use your unrealized strengths more in the future? 
  4. What career goals would challenge you to use your unrealized strength further? 
  5. Do you know that it has this as a realized strength that you can learn from?