Find people who can offer advice

🧠 Know

People working in fields, organizations, and roles that interest you are the single most powerful tool in your search toolkit. Our colleague, Steve Dalton, at Duke’s Fuqua School of Business has observed a one-directional flow of information: that seeking advice from professionals leads to job information, but seeking jobs leads to neither.

In addition to both growing and sustaining professional relationships, ensure your search feedback strategy includes growing your abilities to have natural conversations about the fields, organizations, and roles that you target alongside input about your search techniques. An impeccably executed search can’t be successful without their ability to imagine you thriving in the role they want to fill. Being able to “talk shop” is an important influence in the search and you improve this with repeated practice.

📈 Prepare

Attend Events

✅ Understand the fundamentals of attending professional events. This page has an entire section on the topic.

Master the Informational Interview

✅ Understand the fundamentals of informational interviewing. This page has an entire section on the topic.

✅ Use The Two Hour Job Search strategy to outline a precise set of actions to identify “boosters” for your search, and learn how to methodically make contact and grow a network of professional connections. The article “Refresh Your Target List” will help you to revisit something you’ve already created.

🖐 Practice

Grow Your Conversational Skills

✅ In addition to the steps below, challenge yourself to speak to more people in different settings. When you introduce yourself, share stories, and ask questions, notice what feels good and gets a nice response from others. Perhaps you take the 10% challenge – stepping slightly outside of your comfort zone to learn by taking small risks.

Attend Events

✅ Participate in university events that connect you with Duke alumni and industry professionals. Many of these can be found on the Handshake platform.

✅ Attend professional association events to meet people in areas of interest to you at a time that they’re often interested in meeting others. We’ve created a small directory to get you started.

Master the Informational Interview

Conduct informational interviews after finding people on LinkedIn or the Duke Alumni Association.

✅ Use this article to get back in touch with people you’ve already met and would like to reconnect with.

✅ Additional Tasks

  • Read blogs and articles from your areas of career interest, and reach out to the authors of the pieces that most interest you.
  • Use the Duke Alumni Association’s Ask a Blue Devil to ask questions for Duke alumni responses.

📚Additional Materials


Maximizing Your Network for Job Opportunities

In today’s job market, making connections matters—a lot! Have you ever wondered why some people seem to land great job opportunities effortlessly? It’s often because of their network.

Your network is like a circle of friends, serving as a vital …

By Ivy Exec
Ivy Exec is your dedicated career development resource.
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Using Networking to Boost Your Biotech Job Search

Networking is an essential component of any job search and it is important to carve out time in your schedule. Participating in a networking event opens the door to several invaluable takeaways:
Helpful Humans
-Industry Insights
-Pathways into careers …

By Michael "Rudi" Rudisill (he/him)
Michael "Rudi" Rudisill (he/him) Assistant Director, Career Services
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This LinkedIn feature will bring you a 100% response rate from recruiters and hiring managers…

Shared with permission from Basant Shenouda, Customer Service @LinkedIn

This LinkedIn feature will bring you a 100% response rate from recruiters and hiring managers for the jobs and opportunities you are targeting (from a LinkedIn employee + with free networking templates …

By Greg Victory (he/him/his)
Greg Victory (he/him/his) Assistant VP Student Affairs/Fannie Mitchell Executive Director, Career Center
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Following Up is the Most Critical Part of your Outreach

Following up might feel like a complicated topic, but it can actually be quite simple! Whether it be new people you meet in your search process or those you’ve lost touch with over time, remember that others generally like to …

By Cameo Hartz (she/her or they/them)
Cameo Hartz (she/her or they/them) Assistant Director, Engineering Master's Career Services & Professional Development
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Get advice from your greatest resource-Duke Alumni!

By Megan Wilson (she/her)
Megan Wilson (she/her) Associate Director, Communications and Outreach
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If your search is not getting the results you want, it’s time to troubleshoot. First, start with the basics and …

Once you’ve established a solid search, improve your ability to incorporate the employer perspective. This single factor is often the …

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