While you are a student, take full advantage of Duke’s subscription to Big Interview, a practice and advice tool for interviewing. Follow the intake process by answering some questions and get AI feedback and an action plan based on the …
This guide is designed to help you determine standard work attire for your industry of choice. There are seven levels of dress that range from ultra casual to business formal. In determining what to wear to an interview, note …
Employers shared these tips after a practice interview event in Fall 2020:
This guide will cover the Why, Who, What, When, and How of disclosure, what to consider when identifying the accommodations you need in your prospective job, and your rights and responsibilities in regards to legal and ethical implications under the …
Use this resource to help construct a practice behavioral interview including questions about introduction/tell me about yourself, strengths, motivation, and fit. Also review the sample feedback form at the end to get an idea of what the interviewer might be …