Career Influencer Network
Career readiness conversations are happening daily across the Duke campus and beyond. Career Everywhere (for Everyone) is the belief and understanding that students are not only seeking advice about their career aspirations (and questions) from the staff at the Career Center, but also from faculty, staff, Duke alumni, our employer partners and more.
The Career Influencer Network recognizes faculty and staff across the Duke community who are having meaningful career conversations and provides support, training, and resources to further career advising expertise.
The goals of Career Influencer Network are to…
–Acknowledge faculty and staff who are having significant and effective career conversations and provide tools and training to further expertise
–Empower faculty and staff to talk about career readiness and resources confidently
–Eliminate barriers of access to career information and increase equity and access for all students
–Amplify career readiness and professional development resources
–Help students identify helpful humans who are open and willing to talk about career goals
Meet the Career Influencer Network to identify and start a conversation with a helpful human at Duke!
A Career Influencer:
–Acts as a thought partner for students by encouraging reflection and promoting increased self-awareness
–Helps students consider a variety of career options and think through next steps in the decision-making process
–Engages in short-term and long-term life and professional goal conversations
–Supports students in determining their own conclusions about careers through open-minded, nonjudgmental conversations
–Encourages students to reach out to the Career Center as needed
Nominate faculty and staff today! Nominations are open year round.