Handshake for Employers
Handshake is Duke University’s recruiting management system for posting job and internship positions. Creating a Handshake employer account is relatively simple, allowing employers to connect with Duke University and recruit our talented students.
Check out the resources below and at Handshake’s Help Center to learn how to utilize the platform and begin engaging with Duke Students.
You will need to create a user account to log in and use Handshake. Visit this link to create your account: https://app.joinhandshake.com/employer_registrations/new
Details of this process, including screenshots, can be found here: https://support.joinhandshake.com/hc/en-us/articles/219133047-How-do-I-create-a-user-account-and-join-an-existing-company-
Use your corporate email address when creating your account. Signing up with your work email will help ensure you’re connected to the right company.
To engage with Duke on Handshake, you will first need to connect your user account to your company profile. To do this, follow the link in the confirmation email you received after creating your user account. If your company already has an existing Handshake company profile, it should pop up automatically based on the domain of your email address.
If your company is new to Handshake and does not have an existing profile, you will see the option to create a new company profile. You can learn more about the new company creation process here.
Troubleshooting Tips:
- If you did not receive a confirmation email after creating your user account, please check your spam and junk folders. Additionally, add handshake@m.joinhandshake.com to your email contacts/address book, or contact your IT department to ensure the address isn’t blocked or quarantined. After taking these steps, you can resend the confirmation email by logging into Handshake and using the link in Step 4 on the right side of your screen.
- When prompted by Handshake to connect with a company profile, be sure to select your own company, not the schools you wish to recruit from. If you want to recruit from Duke, do not list Duke University as your company – connecting with schools is a separate step.
Employers seeking to engage with Duke University students must request and receive approval through our Handshake portal. You can learn more about requesting schools on Handshake here.
Please note: The Main Career Center serves:
- All Undergraduate Students (except the BSN program)
- All Doctoral students, all Divinity School students, and Master’s students who fall under The Graduate School, and the Master of Biostatistics program
- Alumni, through one full year after graduation, of Trinity School of Arts & Sciences, Duke’s Pratt School of Engineering (undergrad & PhD), The Graduate School, the Divinity School, and the Biostatistic Master’s in the School of Medicine
To reach Duke students in the following Graduate and Professional programs, please contact their career centers.
After your employer’s account has been validated, or you have connected with your existing company profile, you can begin to connect with schools by posting jobs to any school in Handshake. Learn how How to Post a Job.
Please note that requests must be reviewed and approved by Duke before they are displayed to students. Jobs or internship postings may be declined for the following reasons:
- For Full Time Positions: Currently we only allow postings that require at minimum a bachelor’s degree
- We do not accept job postings that require any type of medical license, CPA license, or additional certificates since our programs do not lead to additional licenses or certifications
- We do not approve positions that require upfront costs
- We do not approve campus or brand ambassador positions that require students to sell or promote products/brands on Duke’s campus
- Academic requirements for this position do not match our academic degree offerings. (ex. Duke does not offer an undergraduate degree in accounting)
- Full description of skills and experiences needed is required