2024-2025 Recruitment Dates
Please keep in mind our black out dates* outlined below and avoid scheduling recruiting activities during these dates. We also ask that you review the corresponding sports calendars and avoid hosting a recruiting event during a home basketball or football game as traffic on campus is incredibly challenging and student attendance will be impacted at recruiting events.
[Academic Calendar; Men’s Basketball Schedule; Duke Football Calendar]
Note: Undergraduate focused recruitment events scheduled outside of the Duke recruitment season must be requested in Handshake as virtual/multi school events.
By participating in our 2024-2025 recruiting season, you are agreeing to abide my our Recruiting Guidelines and Expectations.
Fall 2024 Recruiting Season at Duke (September 3 – November 15):
[Academic Calendar; Duke Football Calendar]
Please keep in mind our black out dates* outlined below and avoid scheduling recruiting activities during these dates. If you are a finance or consulting firm, please avoid scheduling events on Tuesday evenings prior to 7:30pm EST due to class schedules.
August 26 – August 30: First week of fall classes*
September 2: Labor Day*
September 17: TechConnect (daytime, in person)
September 17: DEI Reverse Fair (evening, in person) [no evening events will be allowed]*
September 18: Fall All-Industry Career Fair (daytime, in person) [no events will be allowed during hours of fair 10am-2pm]
September 18: Student Athlete Networking Fair (evening, in person)
October 2 – October 4: Rosh Hashanah [no events or interviews allowed 10/2 evening through 10/4 evening]
October 11 – October 15: Fall Break [only virtual multi-school events will be allowed]*
November 5: Election Day*
November 15: Last day of fall recruiting activities
November 26 – December 2: Thanksgiving holiday break*
December 2 – December 16: Classes end; reading period; final exams*
December 17 – January 8: Winter Break [only virtual multi-school events will be allowed]*
Spring 2025 Recruiting Season at Duke (January 13 – April 18)
Please keep in mind our black out dates* outlined below and avoid scheduling recruiting activities during these dates. We also ask that you review the men’s basketball schedule and not host a recruiting event during a home basketball game as traffic on campus is incredibly challenging and student attendance will be impacted at recruiting events.
[Academic Calendar; Men’s Basketball Schedule]
January 8: First week of Spring classes*
January 13: Spring recruiting season begins
January 14: Duke Men’s Basketball Home Game (evening)*
January 20: Martin Luther King, Jr. Day holiday*
January 27: Duke Men’s Basketball Home Game (evening)*
January 29: Industry Insights Networking Event (evening)*
January 30: OneDuke All Industry Fair (in person) 10:00am – 2:00pm in Duke’s Wilson Gym*
February 7: Government, Education, & Nonprofit Fair (virtual via Handshake)
February 12: Duke Men’s Basketball Home Game (evening)*
March 3: Duke Men’s Basketball Home Game (evening)*
March 7 – March 16 : Spring Break [only virtual multi-school events will be allowed]*
March 28 – 30: Duke Alumni Weekend (may be challenging to book space on campus)
April TBD: Ivy+ Fair (virtual)
April 9: SEC/ACC Career Fair (virtual)
April 16: Graduate Classes End
April 16 – April 27: Graduate Reading Period
April 18: Last day of Spring 2025 recruiting season
April 23: Undergraduate Classes End*
April 23 – April 27: Undergraduate Reading Period*
April 28 – May 3: Final Exams*
May 11: Graduation