Duke Career Center Resources to get you started
Duke Career Hub
The hub of career conversations, content and resources at Duke, including Career Communities. Learn about our Guiding Philosophy: Career Everywhere for Everyone!
Career Communities
Join communities on Career Hub covering a variety of industries as well as one dedicated to Discovery and Exploration. This will put specially curated jobs, events and information front and center for you.
*We also have identity/affinity communities that you can follow -don’t forget to check these out.
Career Development Process
Set yourself up for success with the Duke Career Development Process. See where you are and what next steps might be.
Be sure to complete your profile. Use the Duke career readiness platform to help you discover new career pathways and to Sign up for a one-on-one career advising appointment Register for all career events and career fairs Find jobs and internships and connect with employers.
An interactive portal designed for international students and global opportunities. Includes visa and immigration support, student resources, networking, mentorship, valuable webinars and more. https://www.interstride.com/duke
Learn and practice your interview skills, whether you’re interviewing for a job or graduate school.
Focus 2 Career
Online, interactive planning system designed to help you make decisions about your major, future career goals and education plans.
Jobscan Premium
Scan your resume to highlight crucial keywords, skills, and qualifications employers are looking for and tailor your resume to match each job posting. You’ll stand out against Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) and catch recruiters’ attention.
YouTube @DukeCareers
Hosts our videos of programming, tutorials, announcements and tips for your career development and search process. Subscribe today to stay up to date with our latest content. https://www.youtube.com/DukeCareers
LinkedIn Guide
New to LinkedIn? Profile need a refresh? Wondering how to connect with contacts? Use this guide to get you where you want to go.
Duke Alumni Directory
Join Career Communities covering a variety of industries as well as one dedicated to Discovery and Exploration. This will put specially curated jobs, events and information front and center for you.
Ask a Blue Devil
Set yourself up for success with the Duke Career Development Process. See where you are and what next steps might be.
Online Guides