Duke Internship Credit Policy
Direct academic credit cannot be given solely for an internship experience unless required as part of one’s academic program. However, students may seek support from a faculty member within an academic department or program for an independent study course that would include learning derived from the internship.
Independent Study Credit for Internships
Duke encourages and supports internships that entail independent or directed study in which a student collaborates with a faculty member to distill from an internship a certifiable academic experience that qualifies for course credit within the faculty member’s department or program. The faculty member is the sole judge of the work necessary to meet these course requirements. Students will normally find appropriate faculty members for such collaboration within their major department, most often with a faculty member with whom they have already done coursework or a faculty member who has an interest in the topic to be considered. It is also possible to identify and solicit faculty members in non-major fields. The sole criterion is that the faculty member finds the independent study or directed study to be sound academically and that the faculty member is willing to work with the student to achieve the goals of the course they design. This arrangement has been successful for many students.
Required or Recommended Internships
Duke encourages and supports internships that are required or recommended components of disciplinary curricula. Departments and programs establish their own criteria for such internships and the academic credit that may be earned for participation. Recognizing the value of this kind of experience, the university attempts to facilitate the student participation in these internships.
Trinity College Policies
For complete information on the University’s policy on internships and credit, please see Trinity Academic Policies & Procedures: Credit for Internships.
Additional Information
For additional questions and assistance regarding credit for internships, please contact Leigh Ann Muth-Waring, Internship Coordinator, 919.660.1054.